NOTHING ELSE BUT FUN - Fun to fly, enjoyable, practical, easy to pack, all around 7-cell canopy
ICARUS Omni, the ultimate 7-cell tapered canopy. This all purpose canopy offers soft on-heading openings, predictable flight characteristics, light toggle and riser pressure, and greater flare than any other 7-cell design. The Omni is ideal for intermediate and/or experienced skydivers, usable for all facets of modern skydiving.
The ULTIMATE 7-cell
The ICARUS Omni is a 7-cell, semi elliptical tapered canopy all zero porosity canopy, designed as an all purpose canopy with soft on-heading openings, predictable flight characteristics, light toggle and riser pressure and with the added advantage of an increased glide ratio and greater flare power when compared with many other 7-cell designs.
The RESULT is a fun to fly, enjoyable, practical, small volume, easy to pack, all around 7-cell canopy useable for all facets of modern skydiving.
At lighter wing loadings (below .9 psf) it is a good transition canopy or for someone who likes to take it easy. At heavier wing loadings (up to 1.5 psf) it will have noticeable performance while maintaining soft openings and great landings.

*Recommendation: Make your canopy selection based on canopy performance characteristics according to parachutist skills and activity.
** Pack Volumes are for reference purposes only. Figures could vary +‐ 10% or more depending on climate conditions, storage, use degradation, packing techniques and environment.
Intermediate and/or experienced skydivers, usable for all facets of modern skydiving.
Wing type: Semi elliptical tapered
Cells: 7
Fabric: ZP
Nose: Open
Lines: Vectran
Trim: Regular
Ribs: Standard
Stabilizers: Standard
Recommended Wing loading (psf): 0.75-1.5